When the Dinosaurs ReturnedWhen the Dinosaurs Returned

שם המחבר: ויקטוריה אדלר-שרון
שם ההוצאה: אוריון הוצאת ספרים
שם המאייר: Zvi Fadelman

The rain is late this year at the Amazon Nature Reserve, and the birds are very worried. One morning, a mysterious hot air balloon lands in the reserve. Inside its basket, the birds find a photo album filled with pictures of dinosaurs. They are scared by how much they look like these long-lost giants.
Does this mean they might also go extinct one day?
Suddenly, the dinosaurs come to life and step out of the pictures! The birds notice that the dinosaurs are having a hard time in this new world and can barely survive. Only after the dinosaurs return to the album and float away with the hot air balloon, does the rain finally start to fall. The birds realize that they can’t turn back time, but the memory of the dinosaurs will always stay with them.
מחיר: 59 ₪
מחיר באתר: 49 ₪
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